Hands-On ICT - Learn, Practice, Teach Creativity and ICT

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transferable adaptability innovative acceptability impact effectiveness availability creativity collaborative

The good teaching practice at a glance

Subject of practice

it can be applied in any field

Target groups


Educational level


Short Summary

The HANDSON MOOC is a teacher training course about designing ICT-based learning activities, based on short, specific and very practical units where you can meet your very specific needs at the same time that you can have the support of peers. The Learning Design Studio (LDS) approach is used as a framework for structuring the 5 weeks of the MOOC content and learning activities. It puts participants in the position of a learning designer, that is, they identify an issue within the educational practice to which a solution is needed (e.g. a tool supporting the design of a lesson plan or a learning game), look upon different theories and good practices to devise solutions, develop design blueprints, mock ups or prototypes, carry out tests to improve them, and implement the designed ICT-based learning activities into your professional practice, all with the support of expert facilitators and the feedback from peers. This innovative course has been tested through three editions with thousands of educators from all sectors. The initial learning environment was based on the open-source platform Moodle, the third edition on Canvas.

Duration of the implementation

2015-07-24 09:30:00 - 2015-07-24 09:30:00

Difficulty of ICT solutions used


Detailed description

Learning outcomes

empowering educators as learning designers with ICT skills

Typical learning time

HANDSON MOOC is a teacher training course about designing ICT-based learning activities of 5 weeks duration. Teachers can then design & apply it in class depending on the context without restrictions

Description of challenges faced (Are there any difficulties teachers/learners might face?)

Multilinguality, quality of feedback provided by the peer-support facilitators

Detailed description

An instance of Moodle or Canvas in which to upload the course contents. A group of facilitators; check the handbook for facilitators (in the context of the third pilot using Canvas as a platform). Educators or teacher trainers interested in learning and practicing processes to facilitate the inclusion of ICT in education. The course is valuable and useful to educators from all sectors.

Learning Activities / Implementation

The HANDSON toolkit allows to run a reduced and face-to-face version of the HANDSON MOOC in a workshop format that requires much less infrastructure and time than the online course. The HANDSON toolkit workshop is an immersive activity aimed at walking participants through the design process of an ICT-based learning activity under the guidance of one or ideally two facilitators. This rapid and iterative activity follows the approach of the Learning Design Studio and it is aimed at empowering educators as designers. This project-based format of the workshop is an opportunity to touch on the pillars of learning design – empathy, iteration, rapid prototyping, evaluation and reflection – without going into the theory and methods behind this approach. The design process include the definition of the educational challenge, the design of the learning activity and its implementation, evaluation and refinement all with a focus on the students/end users and the context in which the learning activity is going to be implemented. It also leverages the expertise and experiences of peers to provide feedback and enhance the designed products. ICT tools being used depending on the context, facilitators provide a list to choose from. The toolkit is available in Bulgarian, Catalan, English, French and Greek.

Resources used to realise the practice
technical resources or printed versions of materials (Toolkit)
Tools used to realise the practice

for online delivery: Moodle or Canvas, for face to face training on-technical equipment or material (flipcharts, etc.);

Country of originGreece
Language of the practiceEnglish
Website relatedhttp://handsonict.eu/
Status of the practiceFinal
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Area of good practice
  • ICT enabled learning - Using digital resources for face-to-face classroom practice & for online learning/blended classroom practice
  • Community Building - Using digital resources to connect learners/build communities
Copyright related to this practice

Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

This practice is
Transferable, Adaptability, Innovative, Acceptability, Impact, Effectiveness, Availability, Creativity, Collaborative
Useful literature
http://www.handsonict.eu/the-handson-toolkit/, http://www.handsonict.eu/the-mooc/

About the author

Name of contributorKaterina Riviou
Affiliation of contributor Researcher
Institution where this practice was implementedEllinogermaniki Agogi, R&D Department
Contact e-mailkriviou@ea.gr