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Reply to: Nanotechnology and Nanocomputers   9 years 4 months ago

Have a look to these resources:

The Quantum Spin-Off Prize is a science&technology competition for pupils of the four participating countries with national rounds and a European final. Pupils will learn that the world of science and technology is international and that the universal language for science is English. The Quantum Spin-Off Prize stimulates pupils to learn using English in a scientific context.

The try-out begins with the Spin-Up Day, a one-day event where science teachers and their pupils meet the participating researchers for the first time. The Spin-Up Day will be organized in the beginning of the school year in the four participating countries.

Several activities will be organized, with the purpose of letting participating schools and research groups introduce themselves to the other participants and to give teachers and pupils a first introduction to the world of high-tech research and entrepreneurship. The concept and structure of the project will be introduced to the pupils and further appointments will be discussed. In the second part of the event, the different schools work separately with ‘their’ researcher. The teams of pupils get a first opportunity to have direct contact with their researcher, to learn about the paper or patent around which they will work.

After this event the pupils will start working with the inquiry learning package under the guidance of their science teachers during normal school hours and homework time. Two ‘midterm’ meetings between schools and researchers are foreseen. In these meetings the teams of pupils have direct interaction with ‘their’ researcher and work at the possible valorisation of the paper/patent. They will first have to understand the scientific and technological content of the paper/patent, and afterwards they will have to think of possible valorisations that are socially useful and responsible. They should also discuss at a basic level whether the valorisation is financially feasible, in a very basic version of a business plan.

The final output of every participating class will be areport on their project work and the designed valorisation in their own language, that will be delivered to the partner teacher education department and to the researcher that has coached the team of pupils, and a presentation with slides in their own language, for the science and technology contest Quantum Spin-Off Prize.

The try-out ends with the Spin-Off Day, a one-day event including a national science and technology contest, the Quantum Spin-Off Prize, where the teams of pupils present their work to the other teams and a jury of experts. The Spin-Off Day will be organized in the four participating countries near the end of the school year.

Prizesare foreseen in the form of didactical experimental equipment for the school lab. In every participating country the National Quantum Spin-Off winner is selected.

Reply to: Open Science Resources   9 years 4 months ago
Reply to: Inspiring Science Education   9 years 4 months ago


Are you an Inspiring Science Teacher? Would you like to share some of your most inspiring teaching moments? If the answer is yes – then take part in the Inspiring Science Education Competition 2014–2015!

This competition is all about recognising and rewarding inspirational science teaching practice. If you are a teacher who is planning to run an exciting experiment in your science class between now and March 31, 2015; this is a chance for you to highlight your work to schools and policy-makers all over Europe.

2015 is the International Year of Light so we are particularly keen to attract entries which are focused on the topic of light.

We are looking for projects that:

  • use some of the exciting resources and tools made available in the ISE portal,
  • are linked to one of the Big Ideas in Science Education,
  • are based on inquiry and which are innovative, creative and engaging.

More info here:

Reply to: Inspiring Science Education   9 years 4 months ago

Great resources that offesrs access to more than 50 online labs and experimentations.

Reply to: "Build up your English"   9 years 9 months ago


Reply to: Open Science Resources   9 years 10 months ago

Hi, is there a resource to share with this practice? Where can we find this portal?

Reply to: Open Science Resources   9 years 11 months ago


Reply to: El sonido en ambientes de aprendizaje   10 years 1 month ago

A las dos por comentar.
