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The strategic guidelines of Europe 2020 put particular emphasis in strengthening horizontal cooperation and the sharing of experience and good practice among the Member States. It’s really crucial for education to fulfil its role in the knowledge triangle, research and innovation objectives and outcomes need to feed back into education, with teaching and learning underpinned by a strong research base, and with teaching and learning environments developed and improved through greater incorporation of creative thinking and innovative attitudes and approaches. Additionally there is a mainstream of eLearning in national policies for the modernisation of education and training, including in curricula, assessment of learning outcomes and the professional development of teachers and trainers.
According to the OECD survey, teachers have few incentives to improve their teaching, as while the most common types of professional development activity available to them are not the most effective. The majority of teachers would like more professional development (particularly on ICT skills, and student behaviour). It has to be mentioned that education and training play a fundamental role in achieving the ‘Europe 2020’ objectives.
All the above create a great deal of activity to ensure basic ICT skills as part of digital competence and learning to learn skills. Current developments in ICT and Web 2.0 technologies have offered the potential for new services, which has significantly transformed our day-to-day personal and professional activities; bare the potential to do the same for education and training. Known as ICT learning, using such technologies can be as simple as accessing a training timetable online, through very complex as developing virtual communities of practice for sharing and creating knowledge
Recent Practices
Budući da smo protekle godine sudjelovali u kampanji Reci ne govoru mržnje na internetu, tj. Dislajkam mržnju, naši učenici snimili su video uradak na zadanu temu. Jedna od rečenica iz tog filma, "Internet nije stvoren za govor mržnje", kao i cijeli uradak potaknuli su nas kao instituciju da na satovima razrednika i predmetnim satovima razgovaramo, analiziramo i procijenimo kako možemo što više osvijestiti učenike kao najosjetljiviju populaciju da internetu pristupaju s oprezom.
Educational scenario based on the latest news of Rosetta’s expedition. How students can learn through the great achievements of European Space Agency (ESA). Rosetta’s travel in space and the landing of Philae on comet 67P give us the opportunity to learn Newton’s Laws and to find as real researchers the acceleration of gravity of the comet. The scenario is finalized using various ICT tools.
Posters are a “drawn to the eye” visual tool that can be part of many lesson plans and activities (e.g. as an advance organizer, as a common reference content, a resumption material, a cross thematic material, etc.), fitting students’ educational needs, maximizing the success of educational objectives. The structure of the posters presented here, combines images, text, mathematics and sketches and had been created to support students in Science at Secondary Special Education (Greece).
The phenomenon of shadow was, from antiquity, well defined as the absence of light. Aristotle, in fact, had argued for a spherical earth believing that the curved lines on the lunar surface produced by the shadow of a spherical earth, which interweaved between the sun and the moon.
«Laser & Bubbles» (http://wp.me/p3oRiZ-h9) is an open inquiry teaching plan for typical & SEN students integrating hands-on activities, metamemory question, ICTs, etc. A group of students, after two years, re-per
The main idea of this scenario was to include as many educational areas (language and communication, art, computer science area) and thus fulfill many educational objectives in all these areas, as well as general educational goals.
Przedmiot przeznaczony jest dla studentów III roku kulturoznawstwa. Celem przedmiotu jest zapoznanie studentów z technologiami cyfrowymi, które wykorzystać można zarówno w badaniach jak i projektach kulturalnych.
As instruction becomes more student‐centred, the framework provides opportunities for student-oriented collaboration: They have the opportunity to learn expressing their questions, pursuing lines of inquiry together, teaching each other’s and seeing how others are learning.
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