Inspiring Science Education

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The good teaching practice at a glance

Subject of practice


Target groups


Educational level

Secondary Education

Short Summary

Inspiring Science Education is open to schools all over Europe who are welcome to participate through the Inspiring Science Community Portal. Our mission in the Inspiring Science Education team is to provide digital resources and opportunities for teachers to help them make science education more attractive and relevant to students’ lives. Through the Inspiring Science Education website and the activities organised by the partners, teachers can help students make their own scientific discoveries, witness and understand natural and scientific phenomena and access the latest, interactive tools and digital resources from within their classrooms.

Duration of the implementation

2014-06-30 12:00:00 - 2016-07-30 21:00:00

Detailed description

Typical learning time

this varies from 45 minutes to 6 month long project work

Description of challenges faced (Are there any difficulties teachers/learners might face?)

Inspirational science teachers are at the heart of successful science teaching – ask any scientific Nobel prize-winner who had the greatest influence on their decision to become a scientist and invariably the answer will be – my Science Teacher! So what is it that makes a science teacher truly inspirational? That’s one of the conundrums we aim to unravel in the Inspiring Science Education project. That’s why we will be setting up workshops and exchanges, communities of practice and learning opportunities for science teachers and teacher trainers aimed at helping them find ways to make their teaching of science more inspirational.

Detailed description

Pilot activities will take place in 5000 primary and secondary schools in 15 European countries. During these pilots, teachers will be accessing interactive simulations, educational games and eScience applications and integrating them with extra-curricular activities, such as field trips to science centres and discovery parks, and virtual visits to research centres. Teachers will also have the possibility to access remote and online labs, and relevant scenarios for their use in the school classroom. Students will be inspired to use eTools and digital resources to learn Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEMrelated subjects) in a practical, competitive and exciting way:

See the Science teaching schowcases here:

Learning Activities / Implementation

Take a look at the resources that are available to you as a student or teacher to help make the teaching and learning of science more innovative. Find out what other schools and teachers are involved already in the Inspiring Science Education Portal. Register your school through your national contact point as an official Inspiring Science Education participating school:

Your national contact point will enlighten you with the process and they will provide you with interesting material:

 Complete the e-maturity questionnaire  This e-maturity questionnaire is addressed to educators across Europe, in order for you to illustrate your school’s strengths and weaknesses in relation to Information and Communications Technology:

Complete the Action Plan  The action plan will help you to set goals and objectives for the development of your school. It is a tool for the design of one or more implementation activities and their relation to the development of your school in the five e-maturity parameters. Ask your national contact point to provide you with the Action Plan for you to complete.

Country of originBelgium
Language of the practice
Website relatedInspiring Science Education on the web
Status of the practice
Download full practice desciprion
Area of good practice
  • Community Building - Using digital resources to connect learners/build communities
This practice is

About the author

Name of contributorSally Reynolds
Affiliation of contributor Managing Director
Institution where this practice was implemented ATiT (Audiovisual Technologies, Informatics & Telecommunications)