Recent comments

Reply to: Look at the image and think (spanish and english)   10 years 1 month ago

With this kind of practice helps students think

Reply to: Interactive Europe (spanish and english)   10 years 1 month ago

having fun learning geography

Reply to: Surf Moodle (spanish and english)   10 years 1 month ago

Useful and effective

Reply to: Physics at the Prater (amusement park)   10 years 1 month ago

Very Original

Reply to: Una práctica con Gimp   10 years 1 month ago

Bien!!! lo he probado y funciona!, lo aplicaré en alguna de mis clases con imágenes propias de mi asignatura

Reply to: El Museo del Prado como recurso didáctico   10 years 1 month ago

Práctica que se puede adaptar tanto en primaria como en secundaria. Colaborativa, disponible...

Practice that can be adapted to both primary and secondary. Collaborative, available ...

Reply to: Una práctica con Gimp   10 years 1 month ago

Los pasos a seguir son claros y asequibles. Se describe detalladamente, como hacer una composición con 3 imágenes.

Reply to: Una práctica con Gimp   10 years 1 month ago

Espero que sea útil esta práctica, para todo el que quiera aprender con un editor de imagen asequible para muchos.

Reply to: Look at the image and think (spanish and english)   10 years 1 month ago

Our students are not used to think. This practice effectively contributes to that purpose